Tuesday, January 17, 2012

12 Color Granny Square Blanket! :)

Well, it took about a week, but I finished one of the most difficult projects I've ever tackled!! I spent pretty much all day today putting the blanket together and getting rid of those crazy tails that had to be tucked in every which direction! I also didn't use nearly as much yarn as I thought I would....at least I know I can do a project like this rather quickly. I think if I worked nonstop--or close to it, I could make one of these in about 2 days...make the squares one day and put it together the next...but now that I've said that I'm sure I'll have to eat my words. lol. Here's the picts! :)

Each of the 4 different color blocks had 3 shades, I connect them together with the "middle color" of a different block to spread the color love!

Here's the shades of yellow....

Here's the shades of blue...

...and I did this one so I'd have a 4th set...

Since I used the "middle color" to put the individual squares together, I used the darkest color to put the big squares together, then I went around the entire blanket with the lightest colors...


My hands hurt! Enjoy!!!

Much love.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Crazy Weekend!

Well, Saturday was The Big Stitch and it was definately a success!!! We estimated that we had around 350 people! The biggest turnout previous to that was 150!! Woo hoo!!!

Here's some pictures from The Big Stitch:

When I got home from The Big Stitch, Daniel was working on the office, this is what we got done!

On Sunday, we worked on finishing up the bedroom! It's really coming along! :)

All in all, it was a successful weekend! I've got a little bit more cleaning to get to today and then I'm going to go meet up with some of my girls at Panera in Brentwood tonight. I haven't gone to that group much lately and I saw a lot of those ladies at the Big Stitch and I really miss them! :)

Much Love. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Exciting News!

Ms. Cheap Gives Us Inside Look At The Big Stitch: Mary Hance, aka Ms. Cheap, gave us an inside look at the Big Stitch which is organized by Knit and Crochet Tennessee. The Big Stitch is from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday at the Knowles Fifty Forward Center at 174 Rains Avenue, next to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds.


My good friend Michele texted me on Tuesday and asked if I wanted to be on TV....how could I pass that up????  The piece is about The Big Stitch, which is this coming Saturday, Jan 14th at FiftyForward Knowles. (174 Rains, Nashville--near the fairgrounds). It was a lot of fun to meet some of the local talent from Channel 5!

Today, Daniel and I decided to push forward in the kitchen and work on the fabric walls I keep talking to everyone about. Here's some photos!

I used the selvaged edge to estimate the bottom, I lined it up on top of the baseboard and nailed it to the wall (every few inches)...

I made sure to keep it tight and even the entire way across...

When I got to the corner, I put on nail as close to the corner as I could, left enough material to turn the corner, and then put another nail on the second wall as close to the corner as I could get it...I did this because nailing into the corner on the angle, was too hard. lol.....

The bottom is done here, and the top is roughly done, I spaced the nails at the top a little more than the bottom, I made sure to pull the fabric up and to the right to keep it flat to the wall...

Daniel, making an appearance to cut the chair rail! :) <3

 Once the top was secured, I trimmed the fabric off as close to the wall as I could...


 We used glue and a few nails to attach the chair rail...

I ended up being a little bit short, so I'll have to get more fabric and I'll have the joy of trying to match up the pattern...pictures to follow!

In other news, the sky fell today in nashville!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


....so i'm only a few days late on bringing my blog into the new year, but it's already been quite busy! our celebration of news years was downtown in nashville amongst 30,000 people. we were two blocks from where lynyrd skynyrd performed, saw some fights, a lot of silver sparkly dresses and had a lot of fun with daniel.

my dad visited from the day after christmas til the day before new years. it was great getting to see him. we took him to a predators game (our 2nd, dad's first). we actually have tickets for two more predators games coming up....but the next one isn't until feb and then march.

Instead of cookies I made cupcakes for Christmas this year!

 The living room, about as festive as I could make it!
Gifts from my brother, Chris.

Daniel & I showing off our Turtle Mugs!!

Dad showing off his gift!

I made hats for everyone for the Preds game! (12/28/11 Preds v Wild)

Dad putting up the ceiling fan!!

Painting the bedroom Purple!!

our house is really starting to come together and feel like a home. i love having a dining area again. i like being able to sit at the table and have dinner. reminds me of when i was younger, especially since it's the same table i sat at growing up. we're almost done painting the bedroom, still need to pick up a bit more paint, we also have some trim work that needs finished up, but we'll do that like weekend warriors! yesterday i used the extra fabric from the pillows i made to update the tv cabinet, an ottoman and a picture frame.

This week I'm hoping to launch an online store for my creations. News to come of course! :) Not sure if I'm going to do Artfire or Etsy, still weighing my options of per item vs flat rate...it's hard when you're not sure if it's gonna take off, be kinda steady or just be plain slow....I think anything would be better than nothing, so I'm just going to go for it.

The Big Stitch is coming up a week from Saturday. I asked Deb if I could help out so I'm making some hats at home to donate. My goal is to make 20 and I've got 3 made so far....

Much Love.