Thursday, January 12, 2012

Exciting News!

Ms. Cheap Gives Us Inside Look At The Big Stitch: Mary Hance, aka Ms. Cheap, gave us an inside look at the Big Stitch which is organized by Knit and Crochet Tennessee. The Big Stitch is from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday at the Knowles Fifty Forward Center at 174 Rains Avenue, next to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds.


My good friend Michele texted me on Tuesday and asked if I wanted to be on could I pass that up????  The piece is about The Big Stitch, which is this coming Saturday, Jan 14th at FiftyForward Knowles. (174 Rains, Nashville--near the fairgrounds). It was a lot of fun to meet some of the local talent from Channel 5!

Today, Daniel and I decided to push forward in the kitchen and work on the fabric walls I keep talking to everyone about. Here's some photos!

I used the selvaged edge to estimate the bottom, I lined it up on top of the baseboard and nailed it to the wall (every few inches)...

I made sure to keep it tight and even the entire way across...

When I got to the corner, I put on nail as close to the corner as I could, left enough material to turn the corner, and then put another nail on the second wall as close to the corner as I could get it...I did this because nailing into the corner on the angle, was too hard. lol.....

The bottom is done here, and the top is roughly done, I spaced the nails at the top a little more than the bottom, I made sure to pull the fabric up and to the right to keep it flat to the wall...

Daniel, making an appearance to cut the chair rail! :) <3

 Once the top was secured, I trimmed the fabric off as close to the wall as I could...


 We used glue and a few nails to attach the chair rail...

I ended up being a little bit short, so I'll have to get more fabric and I'll have the joy of trying to match up the to follow!

In other news, the sky fell today in nashville!

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